The Rosslyn Urban Design Committee
Through its unique Urban Design Committee (UDC), the Rosslyn Business Improvement District (BID) strives to maximize Rosslyn’s potential to create a world class community and a vibrant, contemporary urban environment in which to live, play and work. Initiated by the Arlington County Board, the UDC has been working with County staff, residents and developers Since 1992.
Comprised of Rosslyn BID board members, residents and business owners, as well as architects and urban planners, the UDC provides input to the Site Plan Review Process and to the County Board. The committee meets to hear presentations on newly proposed projects, stay apprised of ongoing projects, hold discussions on urban design, signage, streetscape, and other planning issues affecting Rosslyn. The committee works to balance the viewpoints and concerns of businesses and residents with the professional insight and expertise of city planners, urban designers and architects.
To review and refine redevelopment projects and amendments being considered within the "C-O Rosslyn" zoning district. The UDC also reviews county planning, policy and zoning initiatives and how they effect stakeholders in Rosslyn.
Community Benefits
One of the UDC’s long standing roles has been to identify and continue to develop a list of Rosslyn's desired community benefits associated with Site Plan development, advocating for each according to priority.
Committee Make-up
A Brief History of the UDC and Rosslyn's Redevelopment
With its great potential for redevelopment, the Rosslyn community needs a forum where property owners, business owners and residents alike can sit down together to discuss planning and design issues in Rosslyn. The Rosslyn UDC provides such a forum for development, zoning issues, weigh-in on signage, streetscape, and other planning issues. The Committee bases its work on the Realize Rosslyn Sector Plan, approved by the County Board in July 2015. The Sector Plan provides the vision and guidance for all development in Rosslyn. In 1996, in an effort to create a catalyst for Rosslyn’s redevelopment, the County Board acted on a recommendation in the Rosslyn Plan to create a Special Zoning District in Rosslyn. Known as “C-O Rosslyn,” this zoning district permits buildings to a density up to 10 F.A.R, in exchange for a package of community benefits. To obtain approval within the special district, all projects requesting this increased density and height must undergo the Arlington County Site Plan Review Process.