The Rosslyn Ambassadors
The friendly Rosslyn Ambassadors work hard, five days a week, to keep the sidewalks and pedestrian corridors within the 17-block BID boundaries clean by picking up litter, pulling weeds, and removing graffiti and illegal signage from the public right-of-way. In FY2022, our Ambassador team collected 113,850 pounds of trash and 30,500 pounds of recycling.
Wearing purple uniforms, you can find the Ambassadors with a friendly smile and on the streets of Rosslyn, providing hospitality services that include giving easy-to-follow directions, listing things to see and do in Rosslyn, and providing restaurant recommendations.
During the winter, the 10-member team engages in snow and ice removal from key areas to supplement Arlington County efforts and in summer months, they power wash the sidewalks throughout the BID.
Our Ambassador team works Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you have comments about the Ambassador program, please contact our Senior Operations Director, Victor Carcamo, via email.