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18th annual US FreedomWalk Festival

Date and Time for this Past Event

  • Fri, Oct 18, 2019 - Sun, Oct 20, 2019  

  Rosslyn Events


Registration is open for the 18th Annual International U.S. FreedomWalk Festival.

The three-day event begins Friday October 18 and runs through October 20. The full schedule is located here

The walks are designed to challenge all levels of walkers from three-mile strollers to 13½-mile half-marathoners. The festival started in 2001 and is loosely based on European walks such as the Four Day Nijmegen March in the Netherlands.

All walks begin and end at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at Key Bridge, 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive. The hotel is three blocks from the Rosslyn Metro Station.

The event draws participants from all over the United States and many countries. Walkers often sport small flags in their hats or on their backpacks to identify their country during the Welcome Walk on Friday afternoon.

Each day features different trails and trail lengths. Organizers designed the trails to include scenic highlights such as Roosevelt Island, the C&O Canal, the Capitol Crescent Trail, and Glover-Archbold Park.

While primarily a walking event, participants will also have the opportunity for a bike ride on the Arlington Loop and a swim event at the hotel pool.

The event is not a race. Finishing the event is the key.

Walkers have a window of several hours to start their events. The schedule begins with a 5- or 10-kilometer Welcome Walk on Friday. On Saturday walkers have the choice of 12- or 21-kilometer walks. On Sunday, there are 12- or 21-kilometer walks.

There is a social on Saturday and an International Dinner at Vantage Point Restaurant, Holiday Inn, on Saturday night.

The American Volkssport Association and the IML, Walking Association sponsor the FreedomFest.

Register here.

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