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Netherlands Carillon Live Concerts

Dates and Times for this Past Event

  • Saturday, Aug 31, 2019  6-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug 24, 2019  6-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug 17, 2019  6-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug 10, 2019  6-8 p.m.

  Rosslyn Events


Enjoy sweeping views of Washington, D.C., while guest artists play patriotic music, jazz and pop on the Carillon's 50 bells. Meet on the lawn at the foot of the Carillon. Families with children are welcome.

There are few benches on the Carillon grounds, so bring your own blanket or folding chairs if you would like to sit. Sunshades and free-standing tents are allowed, but stakes are not, so prepare an alternate way to steady your tent in the wind.

The Carillon and U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial are part of the Trash Free Parks program. There are no trash cans nearby. If you plan to bring a picnic, make sure you bring a trash bag so that you can take your trash with you when you leave.

(To read a recent article about the Netherlands Carillon, including a profile of the carilloneur, click here.)

Netherlands Carillon Recital Series 2019

June 22 - John Widmann, Frederick, Maryland

June 29 - Alex Johnson, Lake Wales, Florida

July 6 - Edward M. Nassor, Fairfax, Virginia

July 13 - Liesbeth Janssens, Geel, Belgium

July 20 - Gijsbert Kok, Bodegraven, The Netherlands

July 27 - Doug Gefvert, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 

August 3 - Edward M. Nassor, Fairfax, Virginia

August 10 - Lynnli Wang, Washington, D.C.

August 17 - Edward M. Nassor, Fairfax, Virginia

August 24 - Elisa Tersigni, Washington, D.C.

August 31 - Jesse Ratcliffe, Warrenton, Virginia

Event photo courtesy National Park Service/George Washington Memorial Parkway
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