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Rosslyn Metro Station Slide

Happy April Fools' Day 2024! We hope you enjoyed this year’s April Fools' joke. That said, we are excited for improvements to ensure better reliability at our metro station. Make sure to stay tuned on our weekly email newsletter and social media channels for updates next month.

We are on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Linkedin with fun content and neighborhood happenings straight from the Rosslyn BID. 

Find below a few more fun facts about Rosslyn Metro Station!

Metro has 588 total escalators. Interestingly, 9 of the 10 longest escalators in the system are on the Red Line. Only Rosslyn at number 5 is on a different line.

The longest in the system, in fact the longest in the Western Hemisphere, are at Wheaton, which have a span of 230’. 

Greater Greater Washington, Matt Johnson

There were 2,291,796 entries at the Rosslyn Metro Station in 2023. The day with the highest entries was Sunday, October 30 with 30,027 entries.

Any guesses on what happens on that day?

Interestingly, there are slightly less exits at 2,140,447 for the year of 2023 and 14,729 exits on that same busiest day.

The Rosslyn Metro Station was the 12th busiest WMATA station in 2023 based on average daily entries at 6,228.

Metro Ridership Data Portal

 Featured Rosslyn Events

Rosslyn Rivals: Happy Hour Bingo
Tuesday, March 11 - Tuesday, March 25
at Bennett Park Art Atrium

Memorial Arboretum Walking Tour
Friday, March 28
at Arlington National Cemetery

Memorial Arboretum Spring Native Plant Tour
Friday, April 4
at Arlington National Cemetery