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In Site Plan Review Approved Under Construction Built

Red Lion Inn / Former Best Western Site

1501 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA, 22209


The project was approved in April 2019. The existing 141 room Red Lion Inn will be redeveloped into a mixed-use site with both hospitality and multifamily. Infrastructure improvements include a utility fund contribution, street scape improvements, an affordable housing contribution, a public park contribution, and public art. 

Site Size: 1.9 acres
Housing Units: 48
Residential SF: 64,895
Hotel Rooms: 160
Hotel SF: 118,239
Parking Spaces: 160
LEED: To Be Determined
Year Built:

Developer: Witness Hospitality Inc.
Architect: Cooper Cary Inc.

For details on the development and its approval, click here.

Click here for current Site Plan Committee schedule.

Click here for more information on the Site Plan public review process.