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1900 Ft. Myer Dr. - Holiday Inn Site | Rosslyn, VA Skip to Main Content
In Site Plan Review Approved Under Construction Built

1900 Ft. Myer Dr. - Holiday Inn Site

1900 Ft Myer Dr
Arlington, VA, 22209

  Under Construction

The redevelopment of the Holiday Inn was approved in September 2019. The proposed development will replace the existing hotel with a 25-story residential tower with 502 units and a 38-story hotel tower, with 375 guest rooms. Amenities at the four-star full-service hotel will include a ballroom, a 37,417 SF conferencing facility and 14,412 SF of retail. The site will increase residential density in Rosslyn, improve business amenities available to employers, and service increased visitation through an improved and higher capacity hotel. Public improvements include a $4.5 million contribution to affordable housing, a $4.5 million contribution to transportation infrastructure, a $5 million contribution to open space, and public art. 

Site Size: 1.68 acres
Housing Units: 502
Residential SF: 375,493
Hotel Rooms: 375
Hotel SF: 313,400
Retail SF: 14,412
Parking Spaces: 818
LEED: Gold

Owner: Dittmar
Developer: Dittmar
Architect: MTFA Design & Preservation

For details on the development and its approval, click here.

Click here for current Site Plan Committee schedule.

Click here for more information on the Site Plan public review process.